Friday, May 1, 2015

Child Custody Hearings: Coming Out Whole

Divorce can be acrimonious and it can get especially difficult with custody hearings. Of course, there are ways to improve your chances of getting custody. If you will be entering a child custody hearing in the near future, you would want to keep the following tips in mind:

Buy into the Idea of Co-Parenting

Florida family lawmakers believe in the idea of co-parenting, an idea that both parents should be present in a child’s life and responsible for his or her upbringing and development. Florida judges understand this well and will favor an outcome that allows both parents to play an active role in the life of their children. If you are able to show that you are more than willing to let your spouse play an important role in the life of your child, you are more likely to win custody.

Fulfill the “Better Parent” Standard

At the end of the day, judges will always put the best interests of the child above all else. This means that a judge will rule in favor of the “better parent”. In turn, you shouldn’t place too much focus on the flaws and mistakes of your ex-spouse, something that can come easy when trying to win child custody. Instead, focus on showing the judge what you can offer your child in terms of physical and emotional needs.

A child custody case can be painful and confusing, but with a family law attorney to guide you, you can come out of it whole.

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