Heading into the
rocky road of divorcing your marriage is never easy. Splitting up doesn’t have
to be messy, however, and you can do so in a civilized manner without hurting
anyone around you, specially your children and relatives.
Be civil and don’t publicize
You might have
sudden urges to cuss or name call your soon-to-be ex-spouse, but that is not
the way to go. Always be civil toward each other, and try to explicate the
reasons why you’re ending your marriage in the first place, without resorting
to dirty fights. Also try to keep things between the two of you, because, after
all, this is still a private marital affair, not something that’s for the
consumption and gossip of others.
Don’t request sides
A divorce is a
complicated matter as it is, especially when there are kids involved. Don’t
make things more complicated by making them choose sides; this can possibly add
up to their trauma. In telling your kids about the divorce, tell them
separately, because they are more likely to engage in a conversation then. While
a divorce is an upsetting experience for children, it need not to be traumatic.
Move on
Don’t play the
blame game here and think about who’s the wrong one in this matter. In closing
a door and opening another one, you can instead pick up the lessons you had
from the divorce, so that you can move on better into the future.
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